Early February 2018

This early February has been quite different from last year’s –

No snow and cold to keep us cooped up inside. No job and location uncertainty to weigh on our minds.

Now, we exchanged those for the wonder and worry of a new baby growing inside me. I’m 8 weeks pregnant and have felt all the emotions on the spectrum.

I re-read last night all of our blog posts on our blogspot blog and this one. I again want to make an effort to write more of daily life, because it makes me so happy to look back on. The moments that in the present seem to mundane and difficult, are so rosy and precious in hindsight. That last February, which seemed so bleek and deary, now has a fond spot in my heart.

So this month, we have not been doing too much. I have been in bed by 7:30 pm, completely wiped out by my pregnancy horomones, almost every night. Matt has been working a lot on his new Pfizer collaboration. I finished Better Than Before, by Gretchen Rubin, and really loved it. We haven’t done much in the way of cooking and films and walks, so I want to try to do more of that (especially once my appetite and food smell aversions dies down).

Ben and Juniper visited last weekend and it was fun and exhausting. Having extra people, especially a baby, in our tiny apartment can be so draining. But it was a good time, and we ate a lot of good food, enjoyed the beach, and loved showering Juniper with love and kisses.



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